UnSHc – The SHc decrypter

How to recover a script protected by SHc?

How to decrypt a file * .sh.x?

Cryptographic aspects of the SHc tool are sufficiently robust?

The tool UnSHc allows to recover the original source code (*.sh) of any scripts encrypted via SHc (* .sh.x).

Download unshc


How to use UnSHc ?

[root@server:~/unshc]$ ./unshc.sh -h
 _   _       _____ _   _
| | | |     /  ___| | | |
| | | |_ __ \ `--.| |_| | ___
| | | | '_ \ `--. \  _  |/ __|
| |_| | | | /\__/ / | | | (__
 \___/|_| |_\____/\_| |_/\___|

--- UnSHc - The shc decrypter.
--- Version: 0.6
UnSHc is used to decrypt script encrypted with SHc
Original idea from Luiz Octavio Duarte (LOD)
Updated and modernized by Yann CAM
- SHc   : [http://www.datsi.fi.upm.es/~frosal/]
- UnSHc : [https://www.asafety.fr/unshc-the-shc-decrypter/]

[*] Usage : ./unshc.sh [OPTIONS] <file.sh.x>
         -h | --help                          : print this help message
         -a OFFSET | --arc4 OFFSET            : specify the arc4() offset arbitrarily (without 0x prefix)
         -d DUMPFILE | --dumpfile DUMPFILE    : provide an object dump file (objdump -D script.sh.x > DUMPFILE)
         -s STRFILE | --stringfile STRFILE    : provide a string dump file (objdump -s script.sh.x > STRFILE)
         -o OUTFILE | --outputfile OUTFILE    : indicate the output file name

[*] e.g :
        ./unshc.sh script.sh.x
        ./unshc.sh script.sh.x -o script_decrypted.sh
        ./unshc.sh script.sh.x -a 400f9b
        ./unshc.sh script.sh.x -d /tmp/dumpfile -s /tmp/strfile
        ./unshc.sh script.sh.x -a 400f9b -d /tmp/dumpfile -s /tmp/strfile -o script_decrypted.sh

Demonstration :

UnSHc is a project originally started in 2008 by Luiz Otavio Duarte (a.k.a. LOD) and brought up to date by ASafety to fix some bugs present and increase the use of new architectures.

Download unshc
