[WARGAME NDH 2016] Write-Up – Web: Sticky! Sticky!

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Posted by: Yann C.  /   Category: / / / / OS / Vulnerabilities, exploits and PoC /   /   1 Comment

Write-up of the challenge “Web – Sticky! Sticky! ” of Nuit du Hack 2016 Wargame

The weekend of 02-03 july 2016 is the WARGAME of the Nuit du Hack 2016 as a Jeopardy CTF. Having had the opportunity and the time to participate with some colleagues and friends, here’s a write-up resolution of the challenges which we could participate.

  • Category: Web
  • Name: Sticky! Sticky!
  • Description : HEY! Welcome back!
    • Hint 1 : check all the cookies!!!
    • Hint 2 : resolution is in base32
  • URL : http://sticky.wargame.ndh
  • Points : 250

Given the name of the challenge, “sticky”, we doubt that a notion of cookie and “persistence” will come into play …

By going to the URL of the challenge, we were invited to enter a user name:

Sticky-Sticky login page

Sticky-Sticky login page

Once a login was entered a simple page “Welcome back” was displayed with the login reflected:

Sticky-Sticky connected

Sticky-Sticky connected

By observing in more detail requests, we have a cookie set:

GET /index.php HTTP/1.1
Host: sticky.wargame.ndh
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
DNT: 1
Cookie: user_id=553241; validator=validator.wargame.ndh; resolution="YCUAACI="
Connection: close
  • user_id : the identifier of the user (generated server-side)
  • validator : a private hostname of “validation”
  • resolution :  a value encoded in base64? (after obtaining the second “hint” of the challenge it’s Base32…).

By testing various encoding / decoding base64 value for “resolution”, no relevant information is disclosed, but interesting errors (also visible after multiple query execution):

DNS resolution error

DNS resolution error

In case you change the value of the cookie “validator”, we get an error attempting to hijack:

Hijack validator

Hijack validator

Testing was continued by trying to inject a payload through the login. A small persistent XSS is here, but nothing exploitable:

XSS in Sticky! Sticky!

XSS in Sticky! Sticky!

The presence of this XSS, stored server side (although responses appeared behind a load balancer), allowed a malicious troll to inject a false-flag that has baffled more than one ^^! Good game 😉 !

Based on previous errors and hints, we deduce several things:

  • The frontend is a simple connection of web application and reflection of a login
  • Login (and privileges) appear checked with an inaccessible third-party server “validator.wargame.ndh” defined via cookie.
  • We can change the “user_id” via cookies. Set to “1” it displays a “Welcome admin!”
  • The host of validation “validator.wargame.ndh” seems listening on port “8888” as shown in the previous error message
  • When altering the encoded value “resolution” through cookies there is an error related to the host DNS resolution of “validator.wargame.com”.

Trying to query the server “sticky.wargame.ndh” on port 8888 itself:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: sticky.wargame.ndh:8888
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
DNT: 1
Cookie: user_id=553241; validator=validator.wargame.ndh; resolution="YCUAACI="
Connection: close


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2016 01:32:06 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Content-Length: 25

{"admin": 0, "name": "0"}

Solving the challenge requires definitely close this answer with an “admin: 1”!

We focus more on the value of the cookie “resolution”, which, following the issuance of the second “hint”, is in Base32:

  • Default value : YCUAACI=
  • Base32 to Hex : C0A80009
  • ASCII : [192][168][0][9]

It is an IP that is encoded in the “resolution” cookie!

A request sent to the application with the cookie generates the following:

  • The web server queries the name server (NS) whose IP is Base32 encoded, transmitted in the “resolution” cookie. Default:
  • The server requests the NS for the corresponding IP to the specified domain in the cookie “validator”: “What is the corresponding IP of validator.wargame.ndh domain?”
  • The corresponding IP is queried on port 8888 to validate the user name. This web server returns JSON like:
{"admin": 0, "name": "admin"}
Sticky! Stycky normal behavior

Sticky! Stycky normal behavior

On the client side, we have to take the role of the name server (NS), the validation server and force a JSON response with:

{"admin": 1, "name": "admin"}

My computer, connected to the Wargame network of the NDH, has the IP:, or in hexadecimal: AC1010FA and therefore Base32: VQIBB6Q= (converter available here).

The new value of the cookie “resolution” will be VQIBB6Q=. The web server will seek to resolve the host name in “validator” of the NS that will ultimately my machine :

I must therefore turn my post as a DNS server :

apt-get install dnsmasq
echo validator.wargame.ndh >> /etc/hosts
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq start

Done !

Now the DNS resolution of the host “validator.wargame.ndh” is made by my computer, and point to my computer itself. It only remains to deploy a small web server on port 8888 that will return the JSON “admin:1”:

mkdir sticky
cd sticky
vi 1 # {"admin":1,"name":"admin"}
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888

Our web server is running on port 8888, and a “1” file delivers the appropriate JSON to become admin.

It only remains to realize the last request to “sticky.wargame.ndh”, with the cookie:

  • user_id=1 : admin user id
  • validator=validator.wargame.ndh : which will be solved by our own name server
  • resolution=VQIBB6Q= : IP Base 32 of our name server
Stikcy flag

Stikcy flag

Bingo ! Flag : ndh2k16_e5f3eb90c4438c1a062125e3f74c2b41

Sticky! Sticky! PWN !

Sticky! Sticky! PWN !

Thank you to all the team of the NDH2K16 for this event and for the whole organization!

Greeting to nj8, St0rn, Emiya, Mido, downgrade, Ryuk@n and rikelm, ? // Gr3etZ

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About the Author : Yann C.

Consultant en sécurité informatique et s’exerçant dans ce domaine depuis le début des années 2000 en autodidacte par passion, plaisir et perspectives, il maintient le portail ASafety pour présenter des articles, des projets personnels, des recherches et développements, ainsi que des « advisory » de vulnérabilités décelées notamment au cours de pentest.